The foundations of the legal system.
Even though the Vatican advertizes itself as a spiritual centre, it is in fact the apex of worldly power in the system that has been created by the dark forces. Throughout its existence the Vatican has created official statements such as
papal bulls and apostolic letters that form the foundations of the entire
worldwide legal system. They legitimate the actions of the Cabal throughout the centuries ever since the Middle Ages, from the crusades to the current usurping of power over life on Earth. Very crucial papal bulls that laid down the position of power of the Vatican are the
Libertas Ecclesiae (Liberty of the church) from 1079, the
Unam Sanctam (The one holy) from 1302, the
Romanus Pontifex (The Roman pontiff) from 1455, the
Aeterni Regis (Eternal king) from 1481 and the Convocation bull for the Council of Trent from 1537.
Libertas Ecclesiae declared that the Roman Catholic Church is free from imperial authority and secular interference and established the sovereignty of the Vatican. Unam Sanctam declared that all life on Earth is subjected to the authority of the Vatican as the sole representative of God on Earth, effectively cancelling the spiritual sovereignty of all human beings over themselves. The last line of Unam Sanctam reads "Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."
Romanus Pontifex created the first testamentary trust in which all real estate assets of the world were put in perpetuity, effectively cancelling all true legal titles of citizens to real estate and passing it on to the successors of the pope. Aeterni Regis created the second testamentary trust in which the bodies of all human beings were collected, effectively cancelling worldly sovereignty of human beings over themselves and turning people into slaves. The Convocation bull created the third testamentary trust in which all lost souls (those not yet subjected to the Roman Catholic Church) were collected, thereby cancelling control over your own soul so you cannot legally drive your vehicle (body) anymore.
So to put it short, the declarations that the Vatican has made over time and the claims contained therein that have gone undisputed as they have not been effectively rebuffed by anyone became the worldly law that we know as maritime commercial law or law of the seas today. All these historical rulings, regardless how old they may be, have created the canonical laws that are the juris-prudence and juris-diction by which the system legally has you by the balls. Notice the words prudence and diction: meaning because they took the time and made the effort to put it all in writing and proclaim it as their truth (and applied their occult practices on it), it is so. This is the essence of word magic, that is what the whole legal system is about: You declare and proclaim things and give meaning and legal validity to certain terms and word combinations, and they become legally binding. It doesn't make it alright from a cosmic perspective of oneness and divine love, but the Cabal don't care about that. So it needs to be understood that although there is a strong conflict between universal law and the Cabal's maritime commercial law, we are affected by the legal framework they created and need to deal with it in one way or another, whether we like it or not.
Different approaches to becoming independent from the system.
From what I can oversee, there are essentially two approaches for unwinding the legal power that the system has over you. One is declaring sovereignty and making a live life claim, the other is declaring autonomy and stating live life competence. The first entails maximum disassociation from the system, the second maintains a working relationship with the system. While the first option may seem to be more attractive (get the system out of our lives as much as possible), it can also have less desirable repercussions depending on your individual situation. What both are doing however, is that you are declaring yourself to be alive as a human being of flesh and blood to counteract and end the 'in sea dead' / 'dead at sea' / 'lost at sea' legal status that the Cestui Que Vie Act has bestowed on you and thereby exalting you above the system whereas the strawman legal entity person by which the legal system identifies you is by definition subservient to the system. The legal entity, which is in legal terms a natural person or citizen, is a subject, whereas the human being of flesh and blood contrary to the administrative legal entity has the actual ability to live life. That is why you want to invoke your human rights rather than your citizen's rights.
In order to reinstate sovereignty you need to declare to all relevant commercial third parties (the tax office, government agencies, banks and companies that are charging you costs) that you are a living human being of flesh and blood and denounce all ties and identifications with the legal entity that the government created to identify you and to revoke the presumed legal status of in sea dead / lost at sea. Whenever you receive a tax bill, an invoice or summon from a system entity you return it to sender unopened with the remark that it is not intended for you, as the legal entity addressed is a fictional creation of the system and you have officially separated yourself from that fiction. This approach requires persistance, because the system entities will not accept the newly acquired status easily. But people who have walked this path say it does work and eventually the system gives up on exploiting you. The drawback is that you cannot use certain features of the system that you might still want to use, such as voting, getting an insurance policy or requesting a monthly installment from the birth trust, as that uses the strawman which is incompatible with this approach. You cannot disassociate from the system when it suits you and engage again when that fits your needs better.
In order to establish autonomy you also need to declare yourself a living human being of flesh and blood that transcends and supersedes the system and its fictional creations, but instead of denouncing ties with your strawman / legal entity you declare yourself the sole heir, lawful agent and authorized representative with power of attorney in fact that is entitled to handle all matters of the strawman, thereby taking that power away from the government. You then declare yourself willing to settle all debts of the strawman by offsetting them against the value of the birth trust that has been established on the name of the strawman and you request a monthly installment to be dispensed from the trust to your bank account from now until the final settlement of the trust (which will take place after the Financial Reset and GESARA are launched). These are the basics of how to gain back freedom and end your enslavement.
In either case the primary principle is this: man is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent. All legal entities are incorporated into the system, but human beings are not. As long as you remember that and point that out any time you are dealing with a party that tries to trick and bind you on behalf of the system, the system cannot touch you. But you do first need to take the initial step of revoking your lost at sea and presumed dead legal status. From then on it is only a matter of not identifying as the corporate legal entity the system created; you can be its agent and legal representative, but you are not it.
Important legal terminology.
By knowing legal terms and definitions that have been created to bind and subject you and to burden you with guilt, debt, taxes, duties, charges, fines and other financial damages, you can instead overstand them by exalting yourself above the limitations they seek to impose. Taxes are in essence tribute to the system, so when you pay taxes as a loyal slave does you implicitly say: "What a great system, I give you the money you want from me, keep up the good work." It's the same as with subjected and occupied lands in ancient times that were forced to pay tribute, no difference. Here is a list of some crucial legal terms and their meaning:
Cestui Que Vie |
One That Lives; meaning you are considered dead and lost at sea unless and until you explicitly and purposely declare yourself to be alive |
Capitis Diminutio Maxima |
Maximum Diminishing of the Head; meaning all rights have been stripped from your SLAVE STRAWMAN LEGAL NAME IN CAPITALS |
IN SEA DEAD / DEAD AT SEA; meaning you are presumed absent and hence considered incapable of deciding on and handling your legal affairs |
Actio Pauliana |
Paulian Action; meaning creditors reserve the right to strip you to the bone without you having reign over your property |
Ultra Vires |
Beyond Forces; meaning acts that are outside the mandates given by law to the enactor, in other words a scam |
Vi Coactus |
Force of Coercion; meaning having been forced to do something / sign a document under duress |
Per Stirpes |
By Descent; meaning you are the one and only heir of your afterbirth upon which the strawman and birth trust have been established |
Ens Legis |
Being of Law; meaning an artificial legal entity or tradename who's existence is derived entirely from the admiralty law, such as a corporation or a strawman |
Sui Juris |
Oneself's Right; meaning having all the rights of a free man to go into a valid contract with another party |
De Facto |
In Fact; meaning we are confronted with and have to deal with the situation as is, even if it is illegal or illegitimate |
Prima Facie |
At First Face; meaning there appears to be strong enough evidence to have a legal case |
De Iure / De Jure |
By Right; meaning something has been formally arranged in accordance with the law and is recognized as such |
Surrexi Iure Hereditario Gigni |
I have Arisen in Hereditary Rights from Birth; meaning I am now stepping into my birthrights as a free and autonomous human being and sole heir of my birth trust inheritance |
Trustee |
Minister of Finance or his / her legal representative = Keeper and owner of the birth trust |
Fiduciary |
Account manager at a designated bank = Case manager who is overlooking the practical affairs of the birth trust, such as investments and payments |
Testator |
The placenta or afterbirth that leaves behind the legacy of the birth trust inheritance |
Executor |
Tax office = The party responsible for administrating the transactions related to the birth trust |
Beneficiaries |
All parties that are entitled to payments from or settlements on the birth trust (Government, municipality, commercial third parties and heir) |
Protocols of the Uniform Commercial Code.
For the purpose of aligning and unifying financial applications of admiralty / maritime law globally, the UCC or Uniform Commercial Code has been set up. For all intents and purposes commerce worldwide is now based on the UCC, which includes taxes, duties, charges and fines from "government" agencies. Just like all legal talk the UCC is basically word magic intended to deceive and exploit, but knowing the UCC enables you to utilize it to your advantage, so that the little man in the street can turn the tables on the "happy" few who are the insiders. The foundational maxims of the underlying commercial law are:
- A workman is worthy of his hire
- All are equal under the law
- In commerce truth is sovereign
- Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit
- An unrebutted claim, charge or affidavit stands as the truth in commerce
- An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgement in commerce
- All matters must be expressed to be resolved
- He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default
- Sacrifice is the measure of credibility (one who has not been damaged by, given to, lost on account of or put at risk by another has no basis to make claims or charges against him/her)
- A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter
affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment
Invoking your human rights.
The strawman is by definition a slave; a slave of the system unless and until you legally establish yourself as the agent and representative of the strawman, from which point onward it becomes your fictional slave. Slaves have little to no rights under maritime / admiralty law, they are merely goods / commodities / cargo on a ship or in a port. If you thought slavery ended with the end of the Roman Empire or the end of the American Civil War, that is not really the case, it only morphed into something more shrouded and obscured. So you can only invoke full rights as a human being of flesh and blood, not when identifying as and with the strawman. Civilian rights are part of the legal trading system and only relate to what you may do within the confines of your prison cell, lest a prison guard decides to change the rules on the fly and leaves your strawman with even less rights (as we have seen in the Covid-19 preplanned ultra vires).
Almost all countries of the world (in legal terms states that are registered as commercial parties) have underwritten the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948 and which has ever since become part of customary international law and that means that the head of state (whether it is a king or a president) and all its subordinate officials as well as all employees of taxable commercial third parties established in that state are obligated to uphold and respect the provisions and stipulations of the UDHR. In the UDHR the following is regulated among other things:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. (Art. 1)
- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. (Art. 3)
- No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. (Art. 4)
- Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. (Art. 13)
- The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. (Art. 16)
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. (Art. 17)
- Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. (Art. 18)
- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (Art. 19)
- Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (Art. 20)
- Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. (Art. 21)
- Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international cooperation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. (Art. 22)
- Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. (Art. 23)
- Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. (Art. 25)
- Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. (Art. 27)
- Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. (Art. 28)
- In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. (Art. 29)
Documents to use for reinstating your sovereignty or establishing autonomy.
The basic steps you need to take in order to reinstate your sovereignty or autonomy (whichever approach you choose) are using the legal framework that has been laid out by the Vatican and its courts (which are all corporations incorporated into the system), but to our advantage instead of our detriment. These are the key documents to declare autonomy:
- Declaration of Beneficiary Acceptance
- General Proxy Authorisation
- Cover Letter with the General Proxy
- Promissory Note
- Cover Letter with the Promissory Note
It will depend a bit from country to country which party of the system should be adressed with these documents. If the tax office resorts directly under the Ministry of Finance, that is the appropriate party to address, otherwise the Ministry of Finance itself.
In the Declaration of Beneficiary Acceptance, you basically state that you beneficially accept the birth trust inheritance of the strawman, declare yourself alive as a free human being of flesh and blood with live life competence and the durable power of attorney in fact agent, legal representative and sole heir as per stirpes descendant of the afterbirth / placenta upon which the birth trust has been established by the state. You also request for a monthly allowance from the trust to be transferred to your bank account until final settlement of the trust, declare your willingness to settle legitimate debts against the birth trust, declare illegitimate claims null and void and point out who are the trustee, fiduciary and executor of the trust. Beneficially accepting means you agree to benefit from the holdings of the trust without making yourself personally liable for any outstanding debts.
In the General Proxy or Authorisation, you give power of attorney to the party addressed to take care of the birth trust, to arrange for the monthly allowance and to settle all legitimate debts and financial claims against the value of the birth trust. You also strike out the lost at sea and presumed dead status and the pure acceptance assumption in relation to debts and claims. In the accompanying cover letter you explain the context, reiterate the reasons for sending in the document set and request an effective and swift processing of the documents.
In the Promissory Note you mention your data and your relationship with the strawman, the testator, trustee, fiduciary and executor, refer to the Declaration of Beneficial Acceptance and provide the relevant data of the debt you want to have settled with the birth trust inheritance. In the cover letter you request the debt referred to in the Promissory Note to be settled against the birth trust instead of your private wealth.
In all documents you make a clear distinction between the name of the strawman legal entity (for instance T.A. ANDERSON) and your name as a human being (Thomas of the family Anderson). The package of documents needs to be sent in with a tracking number, so that you know when it is delivered and you receive confirmation of delivery as proof that the system party has signed for receipt.
I have not been able to find English language versions of templates of the above mentioned documents. I have heard that this is being worked on to translate the Dutch documents that are available into English, so I will add links to them once they become available. The Dutch versions can be found at
Hoge Raad van de Kinderen.
For the road of sovereignty / freeman of the land I found these two document templates which you can use for inspiration or literal application:
Affidavit of Ownership for the Birth Certificate - RTF format
Affidavit of Ownership for the Birth Certificate - PDF format
Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right - RTF format
Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right - PDF format
And this document explains the mental attitude that makes or breaks your sovereignty:
How to become a Secured Party Creditor
How to properly use the newly acquired legal status.
Once you have informed all relevant commercial parties in the system of your newly declared legal status, you can start behaving as the free human being that you were meant to be. It does not mean you can abuse the new status to first seek benefits from the system and its parties and then neglect or refute the related obligations or to disproportionally lay claim to benefits and assets that are not yours to obtain. There is legal code and there is moral code; if you distance yourself from the first it automatically entails you embrace the second. That means you can use the new freedom to adopt the role in life you have always wanted to have deep down which best fits your mission, your character and abilities and which allows you to contribute to society in the ways that make use of your gifts to the greatest extent possible. It will enable you to give out of free will rather than to do things you have to do because the system demands it and to stop worrying about money and legal matters. If by any chance some official, police officer or employee of a commercial third party still seeks to use coercion to cause financial damages to you or infringes on your human rights, then you can point out that the pope himself has stated in the apostolic letter
On the jurisdiction of judicial authorities of Vatican City State in criminal matters from 2013 that each official and employee in the system (see article 5 of the letter) is now personally liable for such damages and infringements.