Primary sources of information
Educate Yourself An excellent starting point to get up to speed on what's really going on and get informed on the basics.
The Portal Official communication outlet for the Resistance Movement. Provides updates on the most recent developments as well as deep background information on various subjects, including multidimensional aspects of reality and off planet happenings affecting the situation on Earth.
Prepare for Change Network of lightworkers and lightwarriors hub. Provides much explanation of what is occurring on Earth and puts it in the proper context.
FM144 Starseed support channel for Terra groundcrew with in depth information and updates on recent developments.
Divine Cosmos David Wilcock's website sharing a wealth of insights, wisdom and investigations into the state of affairs in the world.
Covert Geopolitics Detailing the Cabal's hand in matters and how they are opposed by freedom fighters and whistleblowers.
David Icke David Icke's website offering his valuable explanations on how we are being conditioned, manipulated and fooled.
Independent outlooks on finance and the economy
Keiser Report Max Keiser's YouTube videos with his razor sharp comments on the true state of our financial system and economies.
Zero Hedge The world analyzed from a critical financial perspective.
Occupy Wall Street The site from the Occupy movement that put institutionalized inequality and greed in the spotlight.
The Zeitgeist Movement The Zeitgeist Movement proposes a resource based economy that favors access to resources over ownership.
Global Alliance for Banking on Values A network of banks that support and stimulate responsible and sustainable development.
International Movement for Monetary Reform A worldwide alliance of organisations that promote alternatives to the debt based monetary system.
Lightworker sites and blogs
We Love Mass Meditation A website that organizes multiple different global synchronized meditations to beneficially influence the energetic situation on the planet.
Ground Crew Command Radio The 144k group radio channel with deep insights and powerful guided meditations.
Sisterhood of the Rose The Sisterhood of the Rose is being revived worldwide to facilitate the return of the goddess, the divine feminine principle.
Galactic Connection Alexandra Meadors' YouTube channel full of spiritual views, information about healing methods, the matrix and more.
Golden Age of Gaia Steve Beckow's website with many articles and communications from the ascended masters and archangels.
Legal action sites
Real Raw News Reports on the proceedings of the military tribunals conducted by the US Navy and related news.
Nuremberg Trials 2.0 An organisation that has been set up to sue the perpetrators of the Covid-19 plandemic.
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (currently hosted on Murder by Decree) Details many cases of crimes against humanity committed by the institutions that present themselves as honorable, trustworthy and honest.
One People's Public Trust OPPT has filed legal documents that lawfully declare all Cabal institutions and corporations foreclosed.
Other sites of special interest
Biblioteca Pleyades Site in English and Spanish with a true wealth of uncensored articles about the history of Earth, extraterrestrial life and exopolitics.
Project Camelot The website of Project Camelot contains a large number of interviews with whistleblowers, insiders and independent researchers.
Exopolitics Michael Salla's website with a mix of alternative news articles and exopolitical information.
Alex Collier The website of long standing Andromedan contactee Alex Collier that taps into his rich experiences.
Geo-engineering Watch Site with a huge amount of background information about geo-engineering and why it's done.
Thrive Movement Foster Gamble's website behind the documentaries Thrive and Thrive II that offer solutions to the world's predicaments.
Cosmic Gaia Laura Eisenhower's website, global alchemist and intuitive astrologist.
Andrew Bartzis Andrew Bartzis' website, master healer and reader of the Akashic Records.
Congenial websites